Thanksgiving and Holiday Break 2024
Thanksgiving and Holiday Break 2024
Navigation of a Freely Walking Fruit Fly in Infinite Space Using a Transparent Omnidirectional Locomotion Compensator (TOLC)
Animal behavior is an essential element in behavioral neuroscience study. However, most behavior studies in [...]
Neural correlates of mating system diversity: oxytocin and vasopressin receptor distributions in monogamous and non-monogamous Eulemur
Contemporary theory that emphasizes the roles of oxytocin and vasopressin in mammalian sociality has been [...]
Fluorescence-guided resection of tumors in mouse models of oral cancer
Complete removal and negative margins are the goal of any surgical resection of primary oral [...]
Of Mice and Monkeys: Neuroprotective Efficacy of the p38 Inhibitor BIRB 796 Depends on Model Duration in Experimental Glaucoma
Glaucoma is a group of optic neuropathies associated with aging and sensitivity to intraocular pressure [...]
3-D-Printed Registration Phantom for Combined Ultrasound and Optical Imaging of Biological Tissues
Efforts to develop quantitative ultrasound biomarkers would benefit from comparisons between ultrasound data and higher-resolution [...]
Striated myocyte structural integrity: Automated analysis of sarcomeric z-discs
As sarcomeres produce the force necessary for contraction, assessment of sarcomere order is paramount in [...]
Regional elevations in microglial activation and cerebral glucose utilization in frontal white matter tracts of rhesus monkeys following prolonged cocaine self-administration
It has been shown that exposure to cocaine can result in neuroinflammatory responses. Microglia, the [...]
The Value of In Vitro Binding as Predictor of In Vivo Results: A Case for [18F]FDDNP PET
Caution is warranted when in vitro results of biomarkers labeled with tritium were perfunctorily used [...]
The neural response properties and cortical organization of a rapidly adapting muscle sensory group response that overlaps with the frequencies that elicit the kinesthetic illusion.
Kinesthesia is the sense of limb movement. It is fundamental to efficient motor control, yet [...]